We're looking for contributions totaling $8000 to get the Smith/Huntsman crossover into print. As of today we've received $2241 toward that goal. Your contribution will be most welcome.

Every contribution made from this page will go directly
toward the production of the Smith/Huntsman crossover.

Special thanks to these contributors
EVERYONE who supported our Huntsman projects on Kickstarter to the tune of $544 more than our target goal.
LAWRENCE BELL for a contribution of $24
ROBERT ORME for a contribution of $35
RAY RIETHMEIER for a contribution of $14
FERNANDO CORTOPASSI for a contribution $172
KENNETH HALFPENNY for a contribution of $5
DAVE BAXTER for a contribution of $12
EDWARD MOORE for a contribution of $85
KARL MAURER for a contribution Eof $240
RICHARD WIEDMAYER for a contribution of $10
WAYNE BERTRAND II for a contribution of $6
ERIC PADGET for a contribution of $6
Support this project and reserve your reward today!
The fifteenth issue of Eternity Smith includes a fabulous Tim Burgard cover, an 18 page crossover adventure by Dennis Mallonee, Rick Hoberg, and Rick Bryant in which our time-traveling hero meets FLARE, plus a 10 page Indigo adventure by Tim Burgard.

Will there be a sixteenth issue?

We hope so. But the first step in that process will involve putting together the funding we'll need to produce a brand-new crossover adventure starring Eternity Smith and the HUNTSMAN! That 28-page story, which is currently scheduled to appear in Huntsman #9, has already been plotted by the late, great STEVE PERRIN. We're now looking to you to help us bring that project to fruition. Every dollar you contribute will bring us that much closer to getting that issue into print. And that, we hope, will pave the way for brand-new issues of Eternity Smith.
Make a contribution, and choose from among these rewards.
Contribute $5.99 (plus shipping).
Receive a copy of Eternity Smith #15.

Please send me a copy of Eternity Smith #15. I am contributing $5.99, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary).

Contribute $34.50 (plus shipping). Receive a copy of the Eternity Smith trade paperback.

Please send me a copy of the Eternity Smith trade paperback, featuring the collected stories from issues #1 through #6. I am contributing $34.50, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary). I understand that this issue is not yet complete, and that my copy will not ship until after this issue is received from the printer.

Contribute $75.00 (plus shipping). Receive a complete set of all fourteen original issues of Eternity Smith PLUS the new 15th issue. This is a huge discount of 32% off our normal price.

Please send me copies of all fourteen original issues of Eternity Smith PLUS the new 15th issue. I am contributing $75.00 to the production of the Smith/Huntsman crossover (plus $6.00 shipping).

Contribute $120.00 (plus shipping)
Receive 20 different Heroic Publishing comic books of your choice!

Seriously! Any 20 issues you want, regardless of price! Choose this reward, figure out which issues you want, and we'll send them to you right away.

Please send me 20 different Heroic Publishing comic books of my choice. I am contributing $120.00 to the production of the Smith/Huntsman crossover (plus $6.00 shipping).

You can also order individual issues of Eternity Smith.
These issues will ship immediately upon recipt of your donation.

Please note that for donations in the US there will be a $6.00 charge to help pay the cost of shipping.
Shipping charges for international delivery will vary.

Eternity Smith #1
Eternity Smith #2
Eternity Smith #3
Eternity Smith #4
Eternity Smith #5
Eternity Smith #6
(v2 #1) $7.99
Eternity Smith #7
(v2 #2) $7.99

Eternity Smith #8
(v2 #3) $7.99
Eternity Smith #9
(v2 #4) $7.99
Eternity Smith #10
(v2 #5) $7.99
Eternity Smith #11
(v2 #6) $7.99
Eternity Smith #12
(v2 #7) $7.99
Eternity Smith #13
(v2 #8) $7.99
Eternity Smith #14
(v2 #9) $7.99