We're looking for contributions totaling $8000 to bring FLARE ADVENTURES #32 to life. As of today we've received $155 toward that goal. Your contribution will be most welcome.
Support this project and reserve your reward today!


Because a Kickstarter backer backed out at the last minute, we still have ONE remaining set of five LANA THE SPY trade paperbacks available on a first-come, first-served basis. These are collections of Sean Harrington's classic "Lana the Spy" webcomics.

Please send me the five-volume set of LANA THE SPY trade paperbacks by Sean Harrington. I am contributing $150.00, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary).

We also have (at the moment) one remaining copy of the "Spying with Flare" variant of the 80-page LANA/FLARE ANNIVERSARY EDITION. We'll likely get more of each the 14 variant cover versions, but we don't have them yet, so this is the only variant available right now.
Please send me the Lana/Flare Anniversary Edition "Spying with Flare" variant cover #01. I am contributing $29.50, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary).
Flare artist Jeff Tompkins is back!

And in Flare Adventures #32, we'll be picking up right where we left off, with "The Wedding of Fala," the thrilling conclusion to a story that takes place when Flare was a teenager growing up in the jungles of the Amazon.

Also in this issue, learn about "Flare's First Mission." It's a story we've alluded to in the past. Now you're finally going learn the details of how and why she joined the League of Champions.

PLUS! A bonus surprise or two!

You can support this project by choosing any of the reward options listed below. Every contribution made from this page will be specifically earmarked toward the production of FLARE ADVENTURES #32.

YES! Please reserve for me a copy of the super-sized 52-page FLARE ADVENTURES #32. I am contributing $9.99, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary).

You'll also be able to find new adventures of FLARE
in these upcoming Heroic Publishing titles.
Click on any of the cover images to find out more.
Liberty Girl #7
Enchantress #7
League of
Champions #19

Did you miss our recent crowd funding effort for the 124-page "Flare: A Fine Line" trade paperback? It's not too late to order yourself a copy! This volume features a collection of classic adventures of our shining goddess of the light, taken from the pages of Flare #41-46, Flare Annual #3, and the Lana/Flare Anniversary Edition.

YES! Please reserve for me a copy of the new "Flare: A Fine Line" trade paperback. I am contributing $31.50, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary). I understand that this volume will not ship until copies are received from the printer.

You can also still order a copy of the 80-page LANA/FLARE anniversary edition by contributing $22.50, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary).

You can also get copies of the 32-page original editions of the Lana/Flare crossover. There were two versions of it. The "Lana Adventures" version was published by us. The "Spying With Flare" version was published by Sean Harrington.

Please send me a copy of the original 32-page "LANA ADVENTURES" volume. I am contributing $5.99, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary).
Please send me a copy of the original 32-page "SPYING WITH FLARE" volume. I am contributing $5.99, plus $6.00 in the US to help cover shipping costs (international shipping will vary).

You can also add to your reward any or all of these existing Flare trade paperbacks and annuals.
These volumes will ship immediately upon recipt of your donation.

Please note that for donations in the US there will be a $6.00 charge to help pay the cost of shipping.
Shipping charges for international delivery will vary.

Volume #1
Regular Price: $28.50

Volume #2
Regular Price: $28.50

Volume #3
Regular Price: $31.50
Volume #4
Regular Price: $33.25
Volume #5
Regular Price: $37.50
Volume #6
Regular Price: $41.00
Volume #7
Regular Price: $40.00

Volume #8
Regular Price: $37.50
Anniversary Edition
Regular Price: $22.50
Annual #1
Color Edition
Regular Price: $9.99
Annual #2
Regular Price: $9.99
Annual #3
Regular Price: $9.99

You can also add to your reward any or all of these great issues of Flare.
These issues will ship immediately upon recipt of your donation.

Please note that for donations in the US there will be a $6.00 charge to help pay the cost of shipping.
Shipping charges for international delivery will vary.

Issue #1
Regular Price: $24.99
Issue #2
Regular Price: $12.49
Issue #3
Regular Price: $12.49
Issue #4 (v2 #1)
Regular Price: $12.49
Issue #5 (v2 #2)
Regular Price: $12.49
Issue #6 (v2 #3)
Regular Price: $12.49
Issue #7 (v2 #4)
Regular Price: $12.49

Issue #8 (v2 #5)
Regular Price: $12.49
Issue #9 2nd Edition
Regular Price: $9.99
Issue #10 (v2 #7)
Regular Price: $12.49
Issue #11 2nd Edition
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #12 (v2 #9)
Regular Price: $7.99
Issue #13 (v2 #10)
Regular Price: $7.99
Issue #14 (v2 #11)
Regular Price: $7.99

Issue #15 (v2 #12)
Regular Price: $7.99
Issue #16 (v2 #13)
Regular Price: $17.49
Issue #17 (v2 #14)
Regular Price: $7.99
Issue #18 (v2 #15)
Regular Price: $7.99
Issue #19 (v2 #16)
Regular Price: $7.99
Issue #20 (v3 #1)
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #21 (v3 #2)
Regular Price: $5.99

Issue #22 (v3 #3)
Regular Price: $5.99

Issue #23 (v3 #4)
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #24 (v3 #5)
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #25
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #26
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #27
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #28
Regular Price: $5.99

Issue #29
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #30
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #31
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #32
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #33
Regular Price: $17.49
Issue #34
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #35
Regular Price: $5.99

Issue #36
Regular Price: $7.99
Issue #37
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #38
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #39
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #40
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #41
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #42
Regular Price: $5.99

Issue #43
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #44
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #45
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #46
Regular Price: $5.99
Issue #47
Regular Price: $5.99

Issue #48
Regular Price: $5.99