as told to Dennis Mallonee and Mark Beachum

Hi, my name's Billi Jayne.
I'm letting my friends call me Beej, but these days, most people know me better as the SENSATIONAL G-GIRL. I'm a full-fledged member of the League of Champions. And according to the tabloids, I'm America's newest superhero sweetheart sensation.
But the truth is, I'm not really a girl at all.
Don't misunderstand. I'm not saying I'm not physically a girl. Not only does the Sensational G-Girl not have any stupidly annoying boy parts danglin' down there between her shapely, well-muscled thighs, even I have to admit that I'm actually kind of starting to like it that being changed into a girl gave me such really nice curves. It's also pretty clear, given the way most guys have been reacting to me, that I'm what you'd call drop-dead gorgeous. Which fact I'm also kind of starting to like. So physically, and maybe at this point even emotionally, I really am absolutely, completely, one hundred percent female.
But a couple of weeks ago, I was a boy.
Back then, my name was William Jefferson Jensen, and I had a really cool superpower. Like my dad and my granddad before me, I could change myself into GIANT, the first and greatest Champion of them all. But that's changed. By it's nature, the power of Giant is a masculine power. And I'm completely a girl.
It's not too bad. I'm nowhere near as strong as I could get back when I could change into Giant, but the Sensational G-Girl isn't exactly weak. I also seem to be a lot more lithe and nimble than I used to be, and I still heal extremely fast. So, all things considered, at least from the standpoint of being a superhero, I don't think I've lost very much. And as I skip along into downtown San Francisco, wearing my skimpy little golden G-shaped bathing-suit costume, trying to ignore the fact that just about every guy I pass is scopin' me out, my G-Girl powers are what I'm about to put to the test.

Have I made it clear that even though there are some things about being a girl that I'm actually kind of starting to like, there are a lot of things about it that I don't like? There are certain obvious advantages to being able to be so completely feminine. And I don't exactly dislike how it feels having a really nice pair of boobs. But benefits aside, this whole business of being a girl is at best problematic. The problem is that I'm not comfortable doing girl things. I like doing guy things. For example, I like playing baseball. I also like hanging out with my pal Joey. And I especially like teasin' my obnoxious little brother Jimmy. On a fundamental level, it really freakin' bugs me that Joey's been going ga-ga over Billi Jayne. And it worries me that I don't get all that upset whenever Jimmy tells me I'm so super hot this way that I need to give some serious thought to the idea of stayin' a girl.

There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that the fact I'm with the League of Champions seems to have worked with the police. They're letting me take a shot at taking care of the Ogre problem. The bad news is that now I have to get in there and take Ogre down. And that's not going to be easy. Ogre's a lot bigger than I am. I'm five-foot-eight, and weigh about 130. He's more than seven feet tall, and packs maybe five or six hundred pounds of solid muscle into that bulky frame. Even if, pound for pound, I can match him strengthwise, he still has a huge advantage of mass and reach on me. So I'll have to be clever about this.

Ha! More good news! Ogre seems puzzled. For the moment, he's stopped ripping things apart. He's trying to figure out why, instead of Giant, there's a sexy little girl in a bathing suit standing in front of him. I suppose, given that me being here has calmed him down, I should be trying to reason with him. But if he pokes me with that oversized finger again... Aw, heck. I'll do it anyway. He's been spoiling for a fight. Might as well give him one.
Gawd, I love this. Goin' toe-to-toe with the Ogre is the most fun I've had in a fortnight. He's still havin' trouble figurin' out how to fight me. And I'm havin' a little trouble with it, too. I'm more agile than he is, which means I'm hitting him more than he's hitting me, but I'm definitely not as strong as he is. Even a glancing blow from one of his fists feels like I'm being hit with a sledgehammer.

Maybe I should backtrack a bit. Two weeks ago, it was a different kind of sledgehammer that hit me. My pal Joey had found a box of old girly magazines stashed away in his dad's garage, and brought them over to share with me. There wasn't anything in there you couldn't see these days on the Internet, but it was still kind of interesting to see how Playboy and Penthouse used to do it. And it was really interesting to see pictures from a decade or so ago, pictures of today's supermodels like Fala Brazil and Anysha Grant, from back when they were really, really young. But of them all, the centerfold I really liked was one from almost twenty years ago, a bosomy, leggy redhead named J J Johnson. I even said so to Joey, who when I showed him that shot did a double-take, and after a couple of seconds wondered, "Ummm, Will, I hate to rain on your parade, but doesn't that J J Johnson girl look a lot like a teenaged version of your mom?"

Okay, this is weird. I'm still fighting Ogre. But I'm not sure he's all that interested in fighting me. I really gotta figure out how to cut this short.
Before we left for the museum event, Mom showed me a mash note Martel had sent her. There were several suggestions as to things Mom might do for him in order to encourage further donations to the museum, the most innocuous of which was going blonde for him. It was the suggestion that Mom might consider a "threesome with your pretty teenaged daughter" that clued her in on the possibility that Mister Martel might not be as good a catch as she'd been hoping. Never mind the fact that Mom didn't even have a teenaged daughter. It was obvious from the tone of the mash note that Martel, in addition to being fabulously wealthy, was one sick puppy. The trick now was to let him down gently.

Oh, good grief. Is that what I think it is? Ogre's definitely stopped trying to hit me! Now he's got somethin' else in mind. And he's freakin' tryin' t'grab me in order to do it!
The thing that made my eyes bug out while Mom and I were in the reception line at the museum was seein' who Charles Martel arrived with. It was none other than the incomprable Fala Brazil! She was a little older than she'd been a decade ago in those girly mag photos, but it was her. All blonde and pert and perfect! And the accent was to die for! She's from somewhere in South America. For some reason, Martel seemed convinced I was a girl, and wondered why in the world Mom had dressed me up as a boy. Mom tried to put him straight on that subject, but it wasn't until Fala put it to the test by giving me a heart-stopping smooch that my reaction persuaded Martel he'd been greatly mistaken. And got Mom kind of upset with Fala, to the point that she briefly considered blowing off Martel's invitation to join him at his table for dinner.


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