Real Name: Billi Jayne Jensen
Birth Name: William Jefferson Jensen
Identity: Not Publicly Known
Occupation: Adventurer/Philanthropist
Group Affiliation: League of Champions
Base of Operations: San Francisco CA
Place of Birth: San Francisco CA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: James Joyce Jensen (mother), James Earl Jensen (brother), Donald Hunter (godfather)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Auburn
First appearance: Champions v1 #1 (June 1986)
As the G-Girl: Flare Annual #3 (Summer 2010)
Billi Jayne Jensen is not your typical teenage girl. For one thing, she comes from a family of superheroes. Her maternal grandfather was the original Giant, her father carried on that name and legacy, and her mother is the Nemesis Girl.
For another thing, she used to be a boy. She was born as William Jefferson Jensen, and for a time Will had the same ability to transform himself into Giant as his father and grandfather before him.
The story of the sensational G-Girl begins the day Will's mother needed an escort to a fundraising event at the museum where she served on the board of directors. She'd been expecting Icestar to take her, but something important came up, and he canceled at the last minute, leaving her with no one but Will to turn to.
The reason Will's mom thought she needed an escort was because a rich European jerk named Charles Martel had been hitting on her. And though the museum certainly had use for Martel's money, Will's mom had no use for him.
Charles Martel showed up at the museum party in the company of a woman who seemed to be the world-famous fashion model, Fala Brazil. And much to Will's astonishment, Fala Brazil actually started hitting on him.
It was a ruse. Whoever this girl actually was, she was there not because she was interested in Will, but because she was interested in the power of Giant.
It was when the dinner event was crashed by agents of the occult criminal organization DEMON that "Fala" made her move. While Will's mother was fighting the intruders as the Nemesis Girl, "Fala" got Will under the table, triggered his transformation into Giant, and stole both those powers and his masculinity for herself. This had the side effect of transforming "Fala" into a man, and Will into a girl.
The upshot of it was that the Nemesis Girl was subdued and kinapped by Martel and this evil new Giant. Will, who without his Giant powers was no longer of any interest to the bad guys, was left behind.
Leaving Will behind turned out to be something of a mistake. The girl William may may no longer have had the power to become Giant, but she was far from powerless. As the daughter of a family of superheroes with abilities derived from a legacy of the Olympian gods, she very quickly came to realize she was something of a demigoddess in her own right.
With help from the Black Enchantress, she did try using Giant's mystic harness to change herself back into a guy. Not only didn't that work, it was the harness that changed. It became basically a golden G-shaped one-piece bathing suit At the suggestion of her little brother Jimmy, Will adopted the name Billi Jayne, and created a new costumed identity for herself as the sensational G-Girl.
Billi Jayne now has a two-fold quest to complete. First, her mother is still being held by the forces of evil, and still needs to be rescued. Second, the power of Giant, the birthright power of an Olympian demigod, remains in the hands of a thief whose purpose and motives for the theft remain unclear.
These two tasks will not be easy to accomplish. Moreover, she needs to accomplish them even as she comes to terms with the fact that she's growing up as someone very different from the person she expected to be.
Billi Jayne, perhaps surprisingly, comes across as a perfectly normal teenaged girl. She's bright and bubbly, quick to action, and despite being extremely intelligent sometimes a bit on the scattered-brained side. As an Olympian demigoddess in her own right, she does have a lot of power coursing through her. And the truth is that she's still trying to figure out exactly what the sensational G-Girl is capable of doing.
One thing Billi Jayne inherited from her parents, besides her abilities, is determination. She is determined to live up to the examples set by her parents. She is also determined to find her mother and make the bad guys pay for their crimes.
Quotable Quote: "This little girl is about to kick your ass."
The G-Girl is a brick. Although she doesn't seem to be able to grow in size (which is why she calls herself the G-Girl instead of "Giant Girl"), she does have very nearly the equivalent of Giant's strength and toughness. She is incredibly strong and tough, and is learning to use these abilities. Obviously, she's also is trying to adapt to the fact that she's now a girl, which can be a slow and confusing process.
For the most part, the G-Girl uses "ground & pound" tactics in combat. She can be expected simply to punch, kick, punch, and punch some more. She does have a few "brick tricks" up her sleeves (which is not to say that her costume actually has sleeves). For example, in her first battle against the abominable Ogre, she knew she couldn't outmuscle him, so she grabbed in a headlock and kept him from breathing until he fell unconscious.
Something to be aware of is that the G-Girl costume is magical. She has complete mental control of it, and can summon it at will. She can also use the costume to grab and restrain opponents, leaving her hands free for other things. Given that doing this will leave her naked, she doesn't do it very often.
It's also been suggested that if the G-Girl has complete mental control over her costume, she ought to be able to use it to fly. But she hasn't yet figured out how to do this.
One thing people are quick to notice about the G-Girl is that she likes getting attention. She's very flirty, and a bit exhibitionistic. There's actually a very good, very practical reason for this. The more attention the G-Girl gets, the more powerful she becomes. And if she isn't getting attention, her power will start to fade. In game terms, this is a long-term effect that will not come into play in any single gaming session, but it could be used by the GM as a plot device.