Real Name: Jonathan Grayson
Identity: Not Publicly Known
Occupation: Scientist/Adventurer
Group Affiliation: League of Champions
Base of Operations: San Francisco CA
Place of Birth: San Francisco CA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Christine Grayson (sister), Honey Grayson (daughter), Patricia Grayson-Saunders (mother), Harold Saunders (stepfather)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
First appearance: Champions v1 #1 (June 1986)
Icestar was the first of his generation of costumed heroes and has been a member and driving force for the League of Champions since the earliest days of the team.
It all began when Doctor Jonathan Grayson was working on the development of an experimental cryogenics serum meant to prevent the crystallization of frozen blood. When thieves broke into his lab to steal the serum, he injected himself with it in order to make sure they didn't get it.
The serum activated latent elemental abilities, granting him the power to generate ice and cold. After dealing with the thieves, Doctor Grayson found inspiration in stories of great heroes of the past. He designed a costume for himself, and started fighting crime as Icestar.
Unfortunately, Icestar became so focused on his new career as a superhero that he started letting his research projects slide. Eventually, he found himself out of a job and had to support himself as a telephone repairman. But he is firmly convinced that the good he's done over the years as Icestar far outweighs the sacrifices he's made.
Perhaps because Icestar's ice powers are so obvious, one thing people overlook is how fast he is. He can easily do more than over five hundred miles an hour on one of his ice slicks. His reactions can border on the phenomenal.
In recent years, Icestar has begun doing a bit less of the superhero thing. Armed with his Ph.D. from Caltech, has been able to get a grant that's allowed him to go back into doing laboratory work. But he remains on active duty with the League of Champions. And you can bet that whenever the need for him arises, Icestar will be out there fighting the good fight once again.
Icestar has been known to get on people's nerves at times. Not only can he be a little obnoxious, once he gets fixated on something he will continue to focus on it, regardless of what it is. This is an attribute he shares with his little sister, Icicle. Whether it's a conspiracy theory, a recommended course of action, or something he just wants a teammate to do, he will continue to bring it up over and over.
In spite of this, Icestar is a good-natured, fun-loving, and enjoyable person to be around. He well liked by other members of the League, even to the point of having previously been elected to serve as chairman for a while. He is also popular with the public, and often interacts with them. His nature makes him very good at public relations, if and when that's needed.
Quotable Quote: "Is it cold or is it just me?"
Icestar's powers all center around ice and cold. He can generate both as a result of his elemental heritage. He has a great deal of experience in his using his powers, and has perfected several combat techniques.
He can create an Ice Ram to strike an opponent. He can also create a collection of Snow Balls; although not as strong as the ram he can generate up to five such balls of snow at a time. He can also create and shoot Ice Darts, which are more deadly than his other attacks. He realizes that not all opponents can handle such a potentially lethal attack, so he's careful to pick the right opponent to use the darts on.
He has developed two forms of entangles to use against opponents. The first attack, Ice Cocoon, surrounds the target in ice stopping them from moving or attacking. The second attack will cover an area with 3-5 inches of ice, this will stop individuals in the area from moving or at least slow them down. Their feet will become trapped in the ice and thus stop them from moving. His White Out ability will cover an area with so much blowing snow that individuals in the area will have problems seeing or hearing while in the area.