We're looking for contributions totaling $8000 to bring LADY ARCANE #5 to print. As of today we've received $1221 toward that goal.
Your contribution will be most welcome.

Special thanks to these contributors
BRIAN DIEHL for a contribution of $24
LAWRENCE BELL for a contribution of $5
KENNETH HALFPENNY for a contribution of $5
WAYNE BERTRAND II for a contribution of $6
DAVID GORDON for a contribution of $10
GREGORY GLAZ for a contribution of $38
DOUGLAS CLOUTIER for a contribution of $6
GEORGE MARION-LANDAIS for a contribution of $6
MARCO DE GIULI for a contribution of $25
Support this project and reserve your reward today!

Prepare yourself for the return of Heroic Publishing's Mistress of the Occult, LADY ARCANE!

It's Book One of a nine-part epic adventure that will cross over into multiple issues of Lady Arcane, Black Enchantress, Heroic Spotlight, and WitchGirls Inc.

It all begins in the super-sized 52-page fifth issue of Lady Arcane, featuring a 30-page adventure by writer Dennis Mallonee, with artwork by Gordon Purcell and Mikael Bergqvist, with a fabulous cover by Sean Harrington!

Also in this issue, a bonus blast from the past, a new, previously unpublished Lady Arcane adventure that takes place in the interval between Champions #6 and Champions #7. "Accommodations" is by Dennis Mallonee, Jeff Tompkins, and Daniel Lauer.

Make a contribution, and choose from among these rewards.
Contribute $9.99 (plus shipping)
Reserve a copy of Lady Arcane #5!

I am contributing $9.99 to this project (plus shipping). I understand that this issue is not yet complete, and that my copy will not ship until after this issue is received from the printer.

You can also add to your reward any or all of these great issues of
Lady Arcane, Black Enchantress, and WitchGirls Inc.
These issues will ship immediately upon recipt of your donation.

Please note that for donations in the US there will be a $6.00 charge to help pay the cost of shipping.
Shipping charges for international delivery will vary.

Lady Arcane #1
Original Edition
Regular Price: $7.99
Lady Arcane #2
Original B&W Edition
Regular Price: $17.49
Lady Arcane #3
Original B&W Edition
Regular Price: $17.49
Lady Arcane #4
Original B&W Edition
Regular Price: $7.99
Lady Arcane #1
Second Edition
Regular Price: $5.99

Lady Arcane #2
Color Edition
Regular Price: $5.99
Lady Arcane #3
Color Edition
Regular Price: $5.99

Lady Arcane #4
Color Edition
Regular Price: $5.99
Black Enchantress #1
Regular Price: $5.99
Black Enchantress #2
Regular Price: $5.99
Black Enchantress #3
Regular Price: $5.99
Black Enchantress #4
Regular Price: $5.99
Black Enchantress #5
Regular Price: $5.99
Black Enchantress #6
Regular Price: $5.99

WitchGirls Inc #1
Regular Price: $12.49
WitchGirls Inc #2
Regular Price: $7.99
WitchGirls Inc #3
Regular Price: $7.99
WitchGirls Inc #4
Regular Price: $7.99
WitchGirls Inc #5
Psyche Cover
Regular Price: $7.99
WitchGirls Inc #5
Britannia Cover
Regular Price: $7.99
WitchGirls Inc #6
Regular Price: $5.99

WitchGirls Inc #7
Regular Price: $5.99
WitchGirls Inc #8
Regular Price: $5.99
WitchGirls Inc #9
Regular Price: $5.99
WitchGirls Inc #10
Regular Price: $5.99
WitchGirls Inc #11
Regular Price: $5.99
WitchGirls Inc #12
Regular Price: $5.99
WitchGirls Inc #13
Regular Price: $5.99